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Nineteen was established in 2023, with such an inspiring statement in each and every one of its clothing items, nineteen wants to influence consumers to “be bold, be you.”


In the sense that we are in a competitive world and many feel lots of pressure to create your dream life and manifesting all your desires, nineteen’s main message to the youth and the believers is to always stay bold and always be yourself no matter the circumstance and no matter what trials and tribulations the world throws at you.


Nineteen is a Canadian brand based in Toronto, Canada. A city that’s known to make dreams come true and to push the needle and set the bar higher than expected whether it’s sports, fashion, music or other entertainment spaces. 

Founder's Image
Be Bold, Be You

Michael “John Smith” Dzaringa founded nineteen in 2023 as a creative establishment. The main focus of nineteen is to incorporate luxury, streetwear, urban and Canadian heritage to the fashion world. Nineteen is simplistic yet well put together to establish something new, fresh and iconic to fashion.

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